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About Portable Stage Design

A normal portable stage design is different from concert stage design in some aspects, but the majority of the process is similar. Concerts designers must work with artists to make a set design, or “set”, that allows designers an ideal space for their movements, and also making it possible for the audience the perfect view of the stage from different angles.

Types Of Portable Stage Design

Concerts may need one of the three essential types of portable staging. On the sands, the viewers surround the staging on all sides.  The viewers is on three sides of the stage, while the proscenium staging is similar to typical theatrical experience where the audience is simply before the performers. Variations of such types of stages for concerts can include several small sand type stages, allowing artists to be between the viewers from different places.

Portable Stage Equipment

The concert portable staging usually consists of a number of collapsible systems that are attached together to produce a large and powerful performance area. The staging can also be manufactured usually at several amounts, to enhance presence and improve visual interest. Drummers can be placed on a higher platform close to the back of the stage in a proscenium setting type or thrust, or on the raised platform which moves during the scene in stadium. The backup performers can also be raised. For a set of orchestral concerts, the manager is usually placed on a small stage or even a bigger podium. Orchestral or symphonic concerts often use different levels or raising scenarios that every row of music artists can easily see the conductor.

Adaptability Of Portable Stage Design


Many concert tours search for a variety of theaters, so portable stage designs should be flexible in order to adjust to various sizes and types of theater. A band can perform in an arena one night as well as in a lunge within the next, so a scenic design that has components can be additional or eliminated is essential to adjust to the various places.



The design of concert portable staging starts with events between the manufacturer as well as the designer, the manager and band director to discuss the actual requirements of overall performance. Other technical elements for example lights and sound are also a part of these types of events. The designer works together with the remaining technical team to make sure that all actual requirements fulfilled which the design shows the image that the designer desires to express via color, shape and structure, in addition to any other theater aspect design, for example landscapes or background scenes.

Portable stage design plans


Concerts often take place in large locations with thousands of seats. Elements of design need to be visible even from more distant seats being an built-in part of the production. Fine details aren’t normally a part that need considering because of this. The lighting and scenic developers must work together to make sure that the scenic factors and colors work well in the light of the live concert. Multi-media technologies are commonly a large part of modern events, therefore the designer need to assist designers to produce spaces for video projections.

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